Horticultural Educational & Vocational Training
ToT & ToF Program from Bilancia
About the Project
Bilancia was founded on January 16, 2003, by Dr. Jan Vrins, a former CEO of the secondary horticulture school in de Lier, and Mr. Arie Huisman, a former Head of the internationalization of education in the horticulture direction of the horticulture school, with the main goal to optimize the quality in horticulture enterprises and traders in fruit, vegetables and plants, capacity development, and supporting traders to implement the investments. They have extensive experience in consulting Horticulture Projects in the Netherlands, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Columbia, Venezuela, Georgia, etc. The role of Bilancia, in cooperation with its partners and with the Georgian stakeholders within this Grant Activity is:
Select 8 trainers to be trained with the Training of Trainers (ToT) program
Develop the ToT program on the basis of available international experience and training modules
Schedule and conduct the ToT program
Assist in the development of the (ToF) training programs
Assist in the development of outreach materials for the ToF programs
Oversee the implementation of the ToF program